Chemical Safety Promotional Campaign Chemical Safety Promotional Campaign

Chemical Safety Promotional Campaign

“Chemical Safety Promotional Campaign” shares knowledge of chemical safety to students and the public through various activities such as seminars and competitions.


Chemical Safety Poster Design Competition 2024-2025 is now open for entries

The Chemical Safety and Health Advisory Committee of the Council in collaboration with the Labour Department, Education Bureau and the Fire Services Department is coorganizing the Chemical Safety Poster Design Competition 2024-2025. The competition aims to disseminate the OSH information and promote the importance of chemical safety while cultivating a proper safety culture through a creative way.

Submission should be in A3 ‘Poster’ format (420mm x 297xx). There are three categories for the competition: Primary Group, Secondary Group and Open Group.

Deadline for submission: 21st February, 2025 (Friday)

For more details, please visit:

Online enrolment

Chemical Safety Conference (15/1/2024)

Chemical Safety Conference was successfully held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre on 15 Jan 2024. The theme of the seminar is "Safety Management and Safe Use of Hazardous Chemicals and Gas Devices.The seminar invited representatives from the Government departments, Industry professionals, and Tertiary Institutions Safety Advisory Group to share their practical experiences in the safety management of hazardous chemicals and the safe use of gas devices.

The record of this conference (extracted) is now available on the Council’s YouTube Channel (programme is broadcasted in Cantonese).


Chemical Safety Comic Competition 2023-2024 - Winner List

“The Chemical Safety Comic Competition 2023-2024”, jointly organised by the Chemical Safety and Health Advisory Committee of the Council, Labour Department, Education Bureau and the Fire Services Department and co-organised by Hong Kong Education City was successfully completed. Total 480 entries were received under Primary, Secondary and Open Groups. Congratulations to all award winners.

Winner List (Chinese version only)

Chemical Safety Database App Icon Update

This "Chemical Safety Database" App, produced by the Chemical Safety and Health Advisory Committee under the Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC), is based on “Dangerous Goods Ordinance”, Labour Department’s reference booklet “Classification and Labelling of Dangerous Substances Commonly Used in Industry”, “A Reference Note on Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Substances in the Work Environment” and related chemical safety guidance notes.

The new icon design is adapted from the awarded entries of awardee in the ' Chemical Safety Database App' Icon and Social Media Graphic Design Competition 2023, Chan Yat Kiu from ELCHK Luntheran School.

Download now:
App Store:
Google Play Store: