Confined Space Confined Space

Confined Space

Work in confined spaces can kill or cause injuries in any industries, ranging from those involving complex plant through to simple storage. Those victims include not only people working in the confined space but also those who try to rescue them without proper training and equipment.
"Confined space" means any place in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable "specified risk", and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes any chamber, tank, vat, pit, well, sewer, tunnel, pipe, flue, boiler, pressure receiver, hatch, caisson, shaft or silo in which such risk arises. For example, workers engaged in work inside underground tunnels or pipes may be exposed to various specified risks related to confined spaces such as in-rush of mud or water and atmospheric hazards.
In order to ensure the safety of workers/ employees undertaking work inside the confined space, the contractors/ employer should have different safety precautions for confined space work. For details, please refer to the work safety alert (Work Safety Alert - Gas Poisoning in Drainage Work; Work Safety Alert - Drowning in Hand-dug Tunnel) issued by Labour Department.
OSHC’s “OSH Star Enterprise – Confined Space Safety Accreditation Scheme” aims to provide enterprises, which specialize in confined space work with customized OSH consultancy service, training courses and subsidies for purchasing safety equipment. It also aims to certify enterprises who achieve high levels of OSH standard. For details, please refer to the application form (Chinese version only) of the scheme.

There is an OSH Enhancement Scheme for SMEs for Safe Work at Confined Space. The Council offers subsidies for SME to purchase gas testing equipment and conduct risk assessment. For details, please refer to the application form (Chinese version only) of the scheme.

Confined Space
Confined Space Work Safety Promotional Campaign
Working in confined spaces (e.g. manholes, sewerage, tunnels, pipes, water tanks, etc.) is considered high-risk. Jointly launching the enhanced “Safety at Confined Space Work Promotional Campaign” (“Promotional Campaign”), OSHC and the Labour Department adopt a three-pronged approach to minimize the recurrence of accidents in confined space through the launch of a new OSH Star Enterprise accreditation scheme, an enhanced subsidy scheme for SMEs as well as a wide range of training programmes.
The Labour Department issued revised Guidance Notes on the Selection, Use and Maintenance of Safety Helmets (“GN”) in June 2018. The concerned publications were produced well before the date and do not reflect the latest requirements for wearing suitable safety helmets with chin straps fastened. The GN prevails regarding the specifications and use of the safety helmets.
Name Type Publisher
Vol.31 Confined Space (Chinese version) Comic OSHC
Vol.31 Confined Space (Nepali version) Comic OSHC
Vol.31 Confined Space (Tagalog version) Comic OSHC
Vol.31 Confined Space (Urdu version) Comic OSHC
Vol.52 Safe Work in Confined Spaces (Nepali version) Comic OSHC
Vol.52 Safe Work in Confined Spaces (Tagalog version) Comic OSHC
Vol.52 Safe Work in Confined Spaces (Urdu version) Comic OSHC
Vol.61 Safe Work in Confined Spaces (Chinese version) Comic OSHC
A Brief Guide to the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation Book Labour Department
Safe Work in Confined Spaces Book Labour Department
Working in Confined Spaces Book OSHC
Working Safety in Confined Space - Safe Access and Egress Poster OSHC
Confined Spaces (Chinese version only) Panels OSHC
No Fear of Confined Spaces (Chinese version only) Video OSHC
Guidance Notes on Safety and Health for Prevention of Gas Poisoning in Drainage Works Book Labour Department
What should the standby persons/ workers from outside do if someone faints in a confined space (Chinese version only) Leaflet OSHC
OSHC has launched the "Confined Space Work Safety" video, which introduces seven principles for confined spaces safety work and the "life-saving" twins - gas detector and motion detector. The video will be broadcast on TV and online platforms. You can also visit the OSHC YouTube Channel by clicking on the following links:

"Confined Space Work Safety" Video (Highlights)more
"Confined Space Work Safety" Video (Full Version)more

OSHC and the Labour Department jointly produced the "Confined Space Work Safety" video series, which introduces the concept of confined spaces, related hazards and accidents, the Confined Space Work Safety Seven Principles, and the support provided by OSHC for confined spaces work safety. The videos were broadcast on TVB Jade Channel (Channel 81) during the program "Scoop" on 31 Oct to 1 Nov 2023. You can also watch the 2 episodes on the TVB YouTube Channel by clicking on the following links:
Confined Space Work Safety (Episode 1) (Chinese Version Only)more
Confined Space Work Safety (Episode 2) (Chinese Version Only)more  

Confined Space Publisher
Work Safety Alert – Gas Poisoning in Confined Space for Underground Pipework (Chinese version) Labour Department
Work Safety Alert – Gas Poisoning in Confined Space for Underground Pipework (English version) Labour Department
Work Safety Alert – Gas Poisoning in Confined Space for Underground Pipework (Nepali version) Labour Department
Work Safety Alert – Gas Poisoning in Confined Space for Underground Pipework (Hindi version) Labour Department
Work Safety Alert – Gas Poisoning in Confined Space for Underground Pipework (Urdu version) Labour Department
Work Safety Alert – Gas Poisoning in Confined Space for Underground Pipework (Tagalog version) Labour Department
Seminar and Conference

 Confined Space Work Safety and Innovative Technoloy in Construction Industry Conference (21 June 2024) Replay (Chinese Version Only)

 ► Introduction to the revised Code of Practice for Safety and Health at Work in Confined Spaces (CoP) (Mr. Lam Kwong-hing, Occupational Hygienist (Development), Labour Department) Download Powerpoint

 ► Introduction to theTumbler Inspection Ball (TIB) Robot for Drainage Works (Ms. Ji Li-ping, Development Director, Hong Kong Centre for Logistics Robotics)  Download Powerpoint

 ► Occupational Safety and Health Challenges and Coping Strategies for Confined Space Work (Mr. Lau Ka-lok, Member of the Health and Safety Committee, Hong Kong Construction Association)  Download Powerpoint

 ► The Important Role of Venue Managment Personnel in Confined Space Work Safety (Mr. Wong Wing-lok, Council Member, The Hong Kong Association of Property Managment Companies)  Download Powerpoint

 ► Introduction to Intekkigent Tanker Robot for Confined Environments (Ms. So Tsz-kwan, Engineer, Electrical and Mechanical Service Department)  Download Powerpoint

 ► Introduction to the "Internal Conditional Robot for Steel Pipe" (Mr. Ho Chun-yiu, Senior Engineer, Distribution Operation, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited) Download Powerpoint

 ► Introduction to Underwater Drone Detection of Water Tank Conditions (Mr. Chan Po-ho, Engineer (Mechanical Maintenance), The Hongkong Electric Company Limited)  Download Powerpoint
    ► Safety Managment and Best Practices for Confined Space Work (Mr. Ng Tin-hung, Assistant S&E Manager, Drainage Services Department  Atkins  Build King Civil Engineering Limited)  Download Powerpoint
► Introduction to Confined Space Work Safety Promotional Campaign (Mr. Tsui Kin-wai, Senior Consultant, Occupational Safety and Health Council)  Download Powerpoint

Training Courses
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from discounts when enrolling in four designated courses on confined space work safety. Organizations participating in the “OSH Enhancement Scheme for SMEs for Safe Work at Confined Space 2.0" and “OSH Star Enterprise – Confined Space Safety Accreditation Scheme” can also benefit from free quotas for relevant courses.
Course Name
Safety Training Course for Competent Persons of Confined Spaces Operation (CN)
Safety Training Revalidation Course for Competent Persons of Confined Spaces Operation (CN(R))
Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation (CNW)
Safety Training Revalidation Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation (CNW(R))
Enhancement Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation (ECNW)
Safety Training Course for Venue Management Personnel (Confined Spaces Operation) (CNVMP)
“OSH Star Enterprise – Confined Space Safety Accreditation Scheme”
“OSH Star Enterprise – Confined Space Safety Accreditation Scheme” by Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC) aims to provide enterprises, which specialize in confined space work (e.g. manholes, foul sewers, pressure vessels/boilers, tunnels, water pipes, water tanks, etc.) with customized OSH consultancy service, training courses and subsidies for purchasing safety equipment. It also aims to certify enterprises who achieve high levels of OSH standard, to assist the industry in enhancing the work safety and health standard, and to help proprietors / venue operators identify contractors who have better OSH performance. After passing our certification, enterprises will be listed as one of the “Confined Space OSH Star Enterprises” for identification purpose, and will be given the certification (the approved certification is valid for 2 years).
Details (Chinese Version only)
OSH Enhancement Scheme for SMEs for Safe Work at Confined Space 2.0
To further improve the work safety in confined space, the Council launches OSH Enhancement Scheme for SMEs for Safe Work at Confined Space 2.0 for SMEs to purchase confined space safety equipment, and offer training courses and risk assessment for free.
Application Form (Chinese Version only)
Online Application (Chinese Version only)