Sitemap Sitemap

What's New

Hot Topics

  1. Heat Stroke Prevention
  2. Lifting Operation
  3. Heart Caring Campaign
  4. Confined Space
  5. Joyful@Healthy Workplace Programme
  6. Mental Health Workplace Charter
  7. Work at Height
  8. Safety Saves Lives!
  9. Working at Height and Operation of Heavy Machinery Promotional Campaign
  10. Operating Mobile Plant & Handling Heavy Objects
  11. Fork-lift Truck Safe Operation
  12. Safety at Road Works
  1. Good Housekeeping
  2. Safety Management
  3. Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition (RMAA)
  4. Safety Climate Index (SCI)
  5. Work Safe Behaviour (WSB)
  6. Pointing and Calling
  7. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  8. Stretching Exercise
  9. OSH Tips for PC users
  10. Work Stress / Happy Life
  11. Must-try Meals for Lunch Bringers


  1. Construction Safety Promotional Campaign
  2. Hong Kong Outstanding OSH Employees Award
  3. OSH Innovation & Technology Award and Expo
  4. Pre & Post Holiday Work Safety Promotional Campaign
  5. Best Property Safety Management Award
  6. Youth Occupational Safety and Health Promotional Campaign
  1. OSH Charters
  2. Catering Safety and Health Promotional Campaign
  3. Chemical Safety Promotional Campaign
  4. Occupational Health Award
  5. Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Award
  6. Safety Quiz

OSH Training

  1. Featured Courses
  2. Training Programme & Application
  3. Training Facility
  4. Information to Applicants
  1. Tailor-made Training
  2. Seminars & Conferences
  3. Training Forms Download

OSH Information

  1. Publications Download
  2. Posters Download
  3. Research Reports
  4. OSH Products & Services Suppliers Directory
  5. OSH Information Center
  1. OSH Legislation
  2. OSH Videos
  3. OSH Software
  4. OSH On-line Tools
  5. OSH Apps

OSH Consultancy & Support

  1. OSH Consultancy Services
  2. OSH Research
  3. Tailor-made Training Service
  4. Accreditation Service
  5. Safe and Healthy Community
  6. Pilot Partnership Scheme 2.0 on Provision of Light-duty Working Platform for Property Management Companies (PMCs)
  1. SME Sponsorship Schemes
  2. OSH Star Enterprise Schemes
  3. OSH Employees' Participation Scheme
  4. Green Cross Group
  5. OSH Ambassador
  6. Support for Industry

About Us

  1. OSHC Profile
  2. International Connection
  3. Annual Report
  4. Press Release
  5. Recruitment
  1. Suppliers Registration
  2. Tender Notice
  3. FAQs
  4. Contact Us


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